
Check out all the fun rides coming this year...

A few more details will be riding in soon…

Full Moon Rides


More fun under the full moon in 2025 – a party and free food for each Full Moon Ride!

Each ride starts at Phat Daddy’s Pizza. Grab your commemorative ride button and enjoy some hot dogs, munchies, and drinks!


FREE! Just show up & ride along with the Man in the Moon!

Plus, you still get a 10% discount with our riders-only coupon thanks to the wonderful bike-friendly folks at Phat Daddy’s


Geology Tour Ride - 2025

Led by retired geologist Scott Brockman!  Learn all sorts of fun facts about the formation of the terrain of the Ohio to Erie Trail from Cedarville to Xenia. A very pleasant ride with lots of amazing learning, mostly on the bike trail.

No registration required…just show up & ride!

Everyone seems to love this fun, learning ride!

Prairie Grass Trail Spring Flower Ride - 2025

Black-eyed Susan? Wild parsnip? Prairie rose?

Learn about & enjoy the beauty of springtime prairie wildflowers during a beautiful afternoon’s leisurely bike ride

The ride starts at the Prairie Grass Trailhead in London (262 W. High St.) and extends southwest to the Madison-Clark County border. Bicyclists can enjoy the beauty of June’s peak bloom flowers such as black-eyed Susan, wild parsnip, prairie rose, and more. It’s an enjoyable and educational ride! After the official ride ends, head onto South Charleston or return back to London at your leisure.


The Madison Soil & Water Conservation District will be heading the event.

No registration required…show up & ride!

22nd Annual London Strawberry Bicycle Tour

Official 2025 Tour Tee Shirts Available!
(Riders get $5 each!!)

Order early, so it’ll arrive in time to wear on Tour Day!!

(Psssssst… save money when you order one right after registering for the Tour!)


Choose your distance (and your pleasure/pain!)

21 miles, 44 miles, 62 miles, or the full 100 miles!

Only $35 early registration fee included maps, support services, food stops, commemorative wristband, end-of-ride goodies…plus a 2025 membership in FMCPT!



Click here to add to your calendar

Prairie Appreciation Ride - 2025

Royal Catchfly? Queen of the Prairie? Big Bluestem?

Learn about historic prairie remnants flowers and grasses during a leisurely bike ride on a gorgeous July afternoon.

Annual event originated by Jack McDowell, prairie restoration expert


No registration required…show up & ride!

34th Annual Ox Roast Bicycle Tour

When: September 1, 2025 @ 7:00 am – 9:00 am, tentative
Where: Garrette Park, Fellows Ave, West Jefferson, OH

One of the most popular & well-organized bike tours in Ohio, the Ox Roast Bicycle Tour, is back for its 34th year! FMCPT sponsors the ride in cooperation with the West Jefferson Community Association, and it is set for Labor Day, Monday, September 1, 2025.

It consists of three different routes: 33-mile, 66-mile, and 100-mile options. All rides kick off between 7:00 and 9:00 AM near Garrette Park on Frey Avenue/Cemetery Road, West Jefferson, OH. They start by tour check-in tables at the south end of the festival near the community building in Garrette Park (coordinates 39.94004’ N 83.26794’ W). Each route is then marked with their designated route colors. (Maps & GPX files will be available.) All routes end back by the check-in area where riders can enjoy the festival and use their voucher for a free Ox Roast sandwich, which is included with the Tour registration!

ONLY $40 BEFORE August 25th!

Downloadable PDF maps, GPX & FIT files – available for registered riders!

Routes subject to change.

Prairie Grass Trail Fall Flower Ride - 2025

Purple coneflower? Wild bergamot? Chicory?

Appreciate prairie wildflowers all the more after learning about them during an autumn afternoon’s leisurely bike ride

The ride starts at the Prairie Grass Trailhead in London (262 W. High St.) and extends southwest to the Madison-Clark County border. Bicyclists can enjoy the beauty of fall’s peak bloom flowers such as purple coneflower, wild bergamot, chicory, and more. It’s an enjoyable and educational ride! After the official ride ends, head onto South Charleston or return back to London at your leisure.


The Madison Soil & Water Conservation District will be heading the event.

No registration required…show up & ride!

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    Around 2009, an idea first developed during a conversation between Wayne Roberts with FMCPT and Van Viney, CEO of MATCO Services. It took a while, but in 2019 work began in earnest to begin construction of a "welcome" area on the east side of London. This was envisioned to compliment our beautiful "welcome" on the west side of town, the Prairie Grass Trailhead with its camping area, shelter house, and many other amenities. The original vision to create a multi-panel mural using the bricked-in windows of the old tile factory building that MATCO now owned was expanded upon to include a mini-park, a respite with benches, pleasant landscaping, and more.

    Many local people have contributed many, many hours of brain power and sweat equity to bring this project from an old factory wall and overgrown grounds to the trail highlight it has become. We have kept costs extremely low though all of the in-kind donations and almost innumerable hours of donated labor. But also, we received great support support for the funding we required, all from Madison County-area companies and people. It was, and is, a true "community" project.

    An added benefit was realized a couple of years ago when we found that we could easily create access to Roberts Pass for MATCO clients and employees. They previously had found  handicapped-friendly trail access difficult if not downright impossible. For the first time, they are able to safely access their next-door neighbor, the Roberts Pass section of the Ohio to Erie Trail!

    Further value was gained when Michele Bouquet and Sue Cline joined our efforts bringing the wisdom of the Madison County Master Gardeners with them. They, and many of their cohorts, contributed tons of time developing and implementing a gorgeous native plants garden in our mini-park, along with several pollinator plant zones. We hope to build on the value of this by adding educational kiosks throughout the mini-park. We also plan to work with area groups, including the OSU Extension Center, on educational opportunities for local schools, seniors, etc.